保藏机构: | JCM |
菌种名称: | JCM13067 |
英文名称: | Sphaerisporangium rubeum. |
中文名称 | 红色球形孢囊菌 |
存储人: | 黄英 |
来源历史: |
<-- I. Ara 3D-72(35).
Accessioned in 2005.
其他保藏中心编号: | =BCC 36479 =DSM 44936 =TBRC 573. |
分离来源: | 孟加拉国科克斯巴扎尔乔科里亚森林边瀑布的沙土 |
菌种特性 | |
备注: | |
培养条件: | 28°C |
生物安全等级: | 1 |
氧气需求: | 需氧 |
培养基: | 61 |
模式菌株: | 是 |
参考文献: |
Ara, I. and Kudo, T.
Sphaerosporangium gen. nov., a new member of the family Streptosporangiaceae, with descriptions of three new species as Sphaerosporangium melleum sp. nov., Sphaerosporangium rubeum sp. nov. and Sphaerosporangium cinnabarinum sp. nov., and transfer of Streptosporangium viridialbum Nonomura and Ohara 1960 to Sphaerosporangium viridialbum comb. nov.
Actinomycetologica 21: 11-21, 2007.
DOI: 10.3209/saj.SAJ210102.