中心名称 | 生物风国际试剂进口出口物流中心 |
保藏中心: | Atum公司、美国Atum公司, 美国亚图姆公司 |
Atum官网 | https://www.Atum.bio/ |
Atum Logo |
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Atum代理公司: | 生物风是Atum菌种、Atum试剂、Atum细胞、Atum载体和Atum官网的中国国内代理代购购买公司,致力于为国内科研机构购买Atum菌种细胞载体和Atum试剂。请需要购买Atum菌种、购买Atum试剂代购的朋友,与我们联系。 |
进口周期 | 美国Atum菌种、Atum菌株、Atum试剂、Atum蛋白、Atum细胞、Atum载体进口需要6-8周货期。 |
进口价格 | 一般报价是5800元,具体要根据不同Atum试剂产品进行确认价格。 |
ATUM视客户服务为衡量成功的关键标准,力争成为科学家们的资源与研究合作伙伴,以精准而富有创意地交付具体、即时可用的解决方案。客户重视ATUM的技术销售和支持团队所提供的科学家对科学家的对口支持,以及交付产品和提供服务的速度、准确性和灵活性。ATUM的软件工具Gene Designer和在线DNA ATLAS是我们内部使用的DNA序列处理和管理工具,可免费下载供您使用。
2016年4月26日,DNA 2.0, Inc.收购MIGS以增加抗体生产能力
Gene Designer,一个免费的生物信息学软件包。 分子生物学家使用它来设计,克隆和验证遗传序列。
DNA ATLAS,一种免费的质粒作图工具,可显示任何DNA载体序列中的特征,如启动子,标记,限制性酶切位点和开放阅读框。
在线Bioinformatics工具箱,被Genetic Engineering News评为“Best of the Web”。
宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院(The Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania)使用ATUM开发的GeneGPS技术,主要是通过优化体内蛋白表达来支持基因治疗计划在HIV-1疫苗开发方面的工作。
伦敦大学圣乔治传染与免疫研究中心(The Infection and Immunity Research Centre at St. George’s, University of London)和Atum合作开发了基于植物的药物。
Adimab LLC.和ATUM通过抗体库的设计和构建在抗体发现和生物制造领域结成联盟。
Cytovance Biologics利用ATUM的GeneGPS作为其Keystone表达系统的一部分,成功开发了微生物菌株,从而成功进行了生物制造。
阿彻丹尼尔斯米德兰公司(Archer Daniels Midland Company)将ATUM专有的蛋白质工程技术ProteinGPS应用于ADM的工业酶工程流程。
ATUM是BioBuilder的赞助商,BioBuilder是为中学生和高中生和老师提供有关合成生物学的动手活动和动画信息的资源; 由麻省理工学院的娜塔莉·库尔德(Natalie Kuldell)博士创立。
2016年4月26日,DNA 2.0, Inc.收购MIGS以增加抗体生产能力
DNA2.0 Inc.宣布已达成最终资产购买协议,以收购MIGS LLC的几乎所有资产。MIGS是总部位于新罕布什尔州Lebanon的综合合同研究组织,专门从事人源化以及抗体和类抗体分子的生产,这些分子支持从微克到克数量的蛋白质的临床前研究。MIGS创始人Michael Feldhaus博士将加入DNA2.0团队,担任抗体技术高级副总裁。

PPS-9010 (BG10, wild type): Pichia pastoris wild type expression strain. This strain has been characterized by full genomic sequencing and 5000+ gene transcriptome data sets generated for various growth conditions, including shake flask and fermentation cultures. In fermentation, BioGrammatics has achieved cell densities in excess of 700 grams wet cell pellet / liter with this strain.
PPS-9011 (BG11, aox1Δ (MutS)): A slow methanol utilization deriviative of PPS-9010. The AOX1 open reading frame has been deleted from ATG to stop. This strain grows slowly when methanol is used as the sole carbon source, and is most useful for fermentation optimization studies.
PPS-9016 (BG16, pep4Δ, prb1Δ): A protease deletion strain, derived from PPS-9010. The genotype of BG16 is pep4Δ, prb1Δ. Protease deficient strains have been shown to be effective in reducing the degradation of some foreign proteins (White et al. 1995; Brierley 1998). This is especially noticeable in fermenter cultures of secreted recombinant proteins, because the combination of high cell density and lysis of a small percentage of cells results in a relatively high concentration of these vacuolar proteases. Unfortunately, these protease deficient cells are not as vigorous as wild-type strains with respect to PEP4. In addition to lower viability, they possess a slower growth rate, are more difficult to transform, and are more difficult to handle in shake flask and fermenter cultures. Therefore, the use of protease-deficient strains is only recommended in situations where other measures to reduce proteolysis (e.g., addition of carrier compounds such as case amino acids and/or peptone to the culture medium) have yielded unsatisfactory results. In particular, it is recommended that a wild-type P. pastoris strain and not a protease-deficient strain be utilized as the initial strain for expression studies.
These strains have been jointly developed by BioGrammatics Inc. and ATUM.
Proteins and peptides made with ATUM catalog Pichia strains (the “Pichia Strains”) can be used commercially without license obligations. However, neither the Pichia Strains, nor any strains derived from the Pichia Strains, may be transferred or sold to third parties, resold, modified for resale, or used to provide a service of any kind to third parties, including, without limitation, reporting the results of customer activities for a fee or other form of consideration. See the complete legal Terms and Conditions here.
TEV Protease
TEV protease is an engineered catalytic domain of the Tobacco Etch Virus Nla cysteine protease which is used to remove fusion tags from purified proteins. ATUM offers vectors with a TEV protease recognition site (ENLYFQ/G) between the tag and the ORF. The enzyme is His-tagged and affinity purified.