保藏机构: | CIP |
菌种名称: | CIP102976, CIP 102976 |
英文名称: | Vagococcus fluvialis |
中文名称 | 河流性阴道球菌 |
存储人: | Collins et al. 1990 |
来源历史: | << CCUG << D. Janssens, LMG, Gent, Belgium << NCFB, Unilever (Lactococcus sp.) << H. Hashimoto |
其他保藏中心编号: | NCFB 2497; CIP 102976; LMG 9464; CCUG 32704 |
分离来源: | 鸡粪 |
菌种特性 | |
备注: | |
培养条件: | 30°C |
生物安全等级: | 1 |
氧气需求: | |
培养基: |
Trypticase Soy Broth (BBL 211768) or Trypticase Soy Agar
Pancreatic digest of casein 17 g
Papaic digest of soybean 3 g
Sodium chloride 5 g
Dipotassium phosphate 2.5 g
Dextrose 2.5 g
Distilled water 1 L
Warm gently until solution is complete. Sterilize by autoclaving at 121°C for 15 minutes. If needed, add 15 g agar per liter medium.
模式菌株: | 是 |
参考文献: |
Collins, M. D., C. Ash, J. A. E. Farrow, S. Wallbanks, and A. M. Williams. 1989. 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid sequence analyses of lactococci and related taxa. Description of Vagococcus fluvialis gen. nov., sp. nov. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 67 : 453–460.
International Committee on Systematic Bacteriology. 1990. Validation of the Publication of New Names and New Combinations Previously Effectively Published Outside the IJSB: List No. 33. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 40 : 212.