保藏机构: | CIP |
菌种名称: | CIP108297, CIP 108297 |
英文名称: | Mycobacterium massiliense |
中文名称 | Massilense分枝杆菌 |
存储人: | Adekambi et al. |
来源历史: | << CCUG << M. Drancourt, Timone, Marseille |
其他保藏中心编号: | CCUG 48898; CIP 108297; DSM 45103; JCM 15300; KCTC 19086 |
分离来源: | 痰及支气管肺泡灌洗 |
菌种特性 | |
备注: | |
培养条件: | 37°C |
生物安全等级: | 1 |
氧气需求: | 需氧 |
培养基: |
Agar 15.0g
Beef heart, infusion from 500.0g
Distilled water 1.0L
NaCl 5.0g
Tryptose 10.0g
Prepare Blood Agar Base according to directions on the bottle. Sterilize and cool to about 45°C. Aseptically add 5% sterile defibrinated rabbit blood. Mix and quickly dispense into sterile test tubes. Slant.
模式菌株: | 是 |
参考文献: |
Adekambi, T., Reynaud-Gaubert, M., Greub, G., Gevaudan, M.-J., La Scola, B., Raoult, D., Drancourt, M. 2004. Amoebal coculture of 'Mycobacterium massiliense' sp. nov., from the sputum of a patient with hemoptoic pneumonia J. Clin. Microbiol. 42: 5493-5501.