保藏机构: | DSM、DSMZ |
菌种名称: | DSM20550, DSM 20550 |
英文名称: | Arthrobacter agilis |
菌种又名: | Micrococcus agilis敏捷微球菌 |
中文名称: | 敏捷节杆菌 |
其他收藏编号: | ATCC 966, CCM 2390, NCDO 983, NCTC 7509 |
菌种代号: | 28(3), W.O. 219 |
分离来源: | |
分离国家: | 未知 |
来源历史: | <- CCM <- L. Jeffries, W.O. 219 <- NCTC <- ATCC <- M. Levins, 28(3) (Micrococcus corallinus) |
培养条件: |
DSM Medium 53 , 22°C
菌种说明: |
<- CCM <- L. Jeffries, W.O. 219 <- NCTC <- ATCC <- M. Levins, 28(3) (Micrococcus corallinus). country of origin unknown. Type strain. Taxonomy/description (1300, 1343, 1373, 5214, 6205). Sequence accession no. whole genome shotgun sequence: VHIM00000000. Phylogeny (5214, 6205). Murein: A11.28 (1373). (Medium 53, 22°C). 与模式菌株Arthrobacter agilis DSM 20550(T) X80748相似性为97.51%;在R2A培养基上4℃生长14天,菌落呈圆形,粉红色不透明,边缘规则,无晕环,中央凸起,直径0.5mm。嗜铁素平板28℃生长15天,产嗜铁素呈阴性。 产酶微生物/产脂肪酶(Tween20、40和80)、藻胶酶、纤维素酶、淀粉酶、DNA酶、酪蛋白酶和明胶酶 |
生物安全等级: | 1 |
参考文献: |
Skerman, V. B. D., McGowan, V., Sneath, P. H. A. (1980). Approved Lists of Bacterial Names. Int.J.Syst.Bacteriol. 30 : 225-420 .
Brooks, B. W., Murray, R. G. E., Johnson, J. L., Stackebrandt, E., Woese, C. R., Fox, G. E. (1980). Red-pigmented micrococci: a basis for taxonomy. Int.J.Syst.Bacteriol. 30 : 627-646 .
Kocur, M., Schleifer, K. H. (1975). Taxonomic status of Micrococcus agilis Ali-Cohen 1889. Int.J.Syst.Bacteriol. 25 : 294-297 .
Koch, C., Rainey, F. A., Stackebrandt, E. (1994). 16S rDNA studies on members of Arthrobacter and Micrococcus: An aid for their future taxonomic restructuring. FEMS Microbiol.Lett. 123 : 167-172 .
Koch, C., Schumann, P., Stackebrandt, E. (1995). Reclassification of Micrococcus agilis (Ali-Cohen 1889) to the genus Arthrobacter as Arthrobacter agilis comb. nov. and emendation of the genus Arthrobacter. Int.J.Syst.Bacteriol. 45 : 837-839 . http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7547308