保藏机构: | DSMZ、DSM |
菌种名称: | DSM20278, DSM20278 |
英文名称: | Propionibacterium jensenii |
中文名称 | 詹氏丙酸杆菌 |
菌种代号: | 24 |
其他保藏编号: | ATCC 4867, NCDO 572, NCIB 5960 |
分离: | 酪乳 |
来源国家: |
来源历史: | <- Weihenstephan, Germany <- ATCC <- C.B. van Niel, 24 |
培养条件: |
DSMMedium 91 , anaerobic, 30°C |
菌种说明: | <- Weihenstephan, Germany <- ATCC <- C.B. van Niel, 24. Buttermilk. Taxonomy/description (907). Murein: A41.1 (909). (Medium 91, 30°C, anaerobic) |
生物安全等级: | 1 |
参考文献: |
Johnson, J. L., Cummins, C. S. (1972). Cell wall composition and deoxyribonucleic acid similarities among the anaerobic coryneforms, classical propionibacteria, and strains of Arachnia propionica. J.Bacteriol. 209 : 1047-1066 .
Schleifer, K. H., Plapp, R., Kandler, O. (1968). Glycine as crosslinking bridge in the L,L-diaminopimelic acid containing murein of Propionibacterium petersonii. FEBS Lett. 1 : 287-289 .