保藏机构: | DSMZ、DSM |
菌种名称: | DSM29698, DSM 29698 |
英文名称: | Anaerobium acetethylicum |
中文名称 | 醋酸厌氧菌 |
菌种代号: | GluBS11 |
其他保藏中心编号: | KCTC 15450, LMG 28619 |
分离: | 玉米青贮甲烷沼气反应器污泥 |
来源国家: | 德国 |
存储时间: | 01.10.2014 |
来源历史: | <- M. Junghare, Dept. Biol., Univ. Konstanz, Germany; GluBS11 <- Y. Patil and M. Junghare {2014} |
Genbank序列号: |
16S rRNA gene: KP233894
draft genome: FMKA00000000
培养条件: | DSM Medium298 with strain-specific modifications: GYM STREPTOMYCES MEDIUM , 30°C, anaerobic |
菌种说明: |
<- M. Junghare, Dept. Biol., Univ. Konstanz, Germany; GluBS11 <- Y. Patil and M. Junghare {2014}. Sludge from a methanogenic biogas reactor fed with corn silage; Germany, Odendorf. Type strain. Taxonomy/description (24903). Sequence accession no. 16S rRNA gene: KP233894, draft genome: FMKA00000000. Fermentation of gluconate (24903). (Medium 298 with strain-specific modifications, 30°C, anaerobic).-
生物安全等级: | 1 |
参考文献: |
Patil, Y., Junghare, M., Pester, M., Müller, N., Schink, B. (2015). Anaerobium acetethylicum gen. nov., sp. nov., a strictly anaerobic, gluconate-fermenting bacterium isolated from a methanogenic bioreactor. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 65 (10): 3289-3296 . http://ijs.microbiologyresearch.org/content/journal/ijsem/10.1099/ijsem.0.000410