产品名称: | 氯硝胺甘油琼脂培养基、DG18琼脂基础、氯硝胺甘油培养基 |
英文名称: |
Dichloran Glycerol Agar Base DG-18 Agar Base |
培养基类型: | 选择性培养基 |
产品目录号: | M306-01 |
产品规格: |
500g 其它规格请联系我们 |
保存条件: | 密封,阴凉干燥处保存。 |
产品性状: |
稻草色粉末,易吸潮。 |
注意事项: |
有毒!避免摄入、呼入、皮肤接触。 对胎儿有潜在毒性 。有潜在致癌性。 配制时在通风橱中进行,戴口罩、手套、护目镜。 |
相关产品: | RV肉汤培养基 |
氯硝胺甘油琼脂培养基(DG-18 Agar)也称DG18琼脂,是低水活度培养基,用于干和半干食品中霉菌计数。
蛋白胨 .....................5.0 g 葡萄糖 .....................10.0 g 磷酸二氢钾 .................1.0 g 硫酸镁 .....................0.5 g 氯硝胺 .....................0.002 g 琼脂粉 .....................15.0 g 配制方法: 1. 称取本品31.6g,用超纯水定容至1000 mL,煮沸1分钟至完全溶解。加入220g甘油。 2. 121度高温蒸汽灭菌15分钟。不要过度加热! 3. 待培养基冷却至55度左右时,加入金霉素5mL(10mg/mL)或2mL(25mg/mL)氯霉素。

Identification of culturable microorganisms and assessment of possible proliferation and dissemination of bacteria or fungi from building reservoirs.
1. Samplers:
a. Andersen 2-stage cascade impactor, or equivalent, for fungi and mesophilic bacteria.
b. Andersen N-6 single-stage sampler, or equivalent, for thermophilic actinomycetes.
2. Sampling media, in plates prepared according to sampler manufacturer’s recommendations:
a. Malt extract agar (MEA) for fungi.
b. Trypticase soy agar (TSA) for mesophilic bacteria and thermophilic actinomycetes.
NOTE: Other media may be used, if appropriate, e.g., dichloran glycerol agar (DG18) for xerophilic molds, R2A agar for heterotrophic bacteria, and rose bengal agar for slowgrowing fungi such as Stachybotrys.
3. Sampling pump capable of meeting sampler manufacturer’s flow specification (e.g., 28.3 L/ min), with flexible connecting tubing.
4. Cotton gauze pad, e.g., 4” × 4”.
5. Rubbing alcohol, 70% isopropanol.
6. Refrigerant packs, if necessary for keeping samples cool during shipment.
NOTE: Keep samples cool, but protect from freezing.
1. Select at least three sites, one each to represent complaint area, a noncomplaint area (otherwise as similar as possible to complaint area), and outdoors.
2. In turn at each site, sample simultaneously for fungi, mesophilic bacteria, and thermophilic actinomycetes. Typical sampling time is ten minutes. Before moving to the next site, repeat twice to obtain triplicate, consecutive samples.
3. Load and immediately unload one set of sampling media in each sampler to serve as field blanks.
4. Collect another complete set of samples and blanks on the next day.
1. Calibrate each sampling pump with a representative sampler in line.
2. Before each run, carefully and thoroughly wipe each sampler stage with rubbing alcohol. Allow to dry. Make sure air passages are not blocked.
3. Load sampling media into sampler, remove covers from media, and attach sampler to pump with flexible tubing.
NOTE: Take special care to prevent contamination of media during loading and unloading. Do not touch agar surface.
4. Sample at known preset flow for an accurately known time, e.g., 10 min. (In heavily contaminated areas, a shorter sampling time may be necessary.)
5. Replace covers on sampling media, unload, and pack securely for shipment (plates should be media side up).
Keep collected samples and blanks cool (not necessarily ice-cold) and ship as quickly as possible to a laboratory for enumeration and identification.
Mesophilic bacteria and thermophilic actinomycetes are usually identified to species and fungi usually identified to genus. Interpretation is subjective and based on total numbers and rank order of taxa in complaint area compared with control areas (noncomplaint and outdoors).