Modified U9 Medium


规格: 250g(base) 500g(base)




产品名称: 解脲支原体鉴别琼脂(基础);改良U9培养基
英文名称: Ureaplasma Differential Agar (Base); Modified U9 Medium
级别: for microbiology
品牌名称: ELITE-MEDIA(艾礼培养基)
产品目录号: M881-01、M881-02、M881-03
产品规格: 250g、500g(不含马血清、抗生素、尿素、NEL-X Enrichment)、20个平板/包(无菌即用)
产品外观: 麦秸色均一粉末。
颜色与澄清度: 橘黄色凝胶。
保存条件: 密封,2-25°C保存。预制培养基4°C保存。
注意事项: 避免摄入、吸入、皮肤接触。
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解脲支原体鉴别琼脂(Ureaplasma Differential Agar)即改良U9培养基,用于分离和鉴别解脲支原体(Ureaplasma urealyticum)和人型支原体(Mycoplasma hominis)。



固体培养基上的菌落在95% N2 和5% CO2 环境下生长最好。酵母提取物是肺炎支原体(Mycoplasma pneumoniae)生长所必需的。其它人型菌株没有该需求。苯酚红作为培养基中的酸碱指示剂。Shepard等人研发了尿素酶显色反应培养基(U9)用于鉴别解脲支原体,基于其水解尿素产生氨的能力。U9培养基被S. Madoff改良以提高生长和鉴别水平。酚红被加入到固体培养基中,在有解脲支原体生长时颜色由黄色变粉色。硫酸锰取代了氯化物。尿素酶阳性菌落变棕色,这是由于有二氧化锰颗粒产生。


酪蛋白胨 17 g
大豆蛋白胨 3.0 g
D-葡萄糖 2.5 g
磷酸氢二钾 2.5 g
氯化钠 5.0 g
硫酸锰 0.2 g
琼脂 10 g
酵母提取物 2.3 g
L-半胱氨酸盐酸盐 1.2 mg
苯酚红 24 mg
马血清 239 mL
NEL-X Enrichment 6 mL
10%尿素溶液 1.2 g
青霉素G 575,000 U
腐胺 2.2 g
两性霉素B 1.7 mg
蒸馏水 761 mL
pH 6.0-6.6


It is advisable to inoculate all specimens, swabs as well as exudates, in Ureaplasma Differential Agar and Agar media immediately on arrival in the laboratory to avoid loss of viability. Swabs and exudates may, if necessary, be inoculated into broth and held no longer than four days at 4°C before incubation. Specimens should be streaked over a wide area of the agar plate. Urine specimens are prepared by centrifugation and the sediment inoculated immediately. Agar cultures are incubated anaerobically at 35-37°C. Cultures of Ureaplasma may show a color change in the plate from yellow to pink as early as 24 hours after incubation. Since viability is limited, Ureaplasma Differential Agar cultures should be transplanted as soon as the color change begins to show. This may occur as early as 12 to 16 hours after incubation. Although storage conditions have not been established for all strains or species, most Mycoplasmas and Ureaplasma when fully grown can be stored indefinitely at -80°C. Positive broth cultures must be frozen as soon as possible after indicator change has occurred to preserve viability.


When seen under the microscope, Ureaplasma colonies produce the manganese reaction turning them dark golden brown or rich deep brown of variable size (depending on crowding). If specimens contain both Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma urealyticum, differentiation may be enhanced by staining agar block preparations with the Dienes stain (6). Ureaplasma colonies retain the brown color, while Mycoplasma hominis and other large colony Mycoplasmas stain azure blue and exhibit the typical "fried egg appearance" due to growth of the organisms into the agar.




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