培养基名称 | 酒清蓝琼脂,酒清蓝培养基 |
英文名称: | Spirit Blue Agar,Spirit Blue Medium |
培养基类型: | 鉴别培养基 |
产品目录号: | M741-01,M741-02 |
产品规格: | 250g、500g 其它规格请联系我们 |
保存条件: | 密封,阴凉干燥处保存。制备好的培养基2-8°C避光保存。 |
产品性状: |
米灰色粉末。 米灰色凝胶。 |
注意事项: | 避免摄入、呼入、皮肤接触。配制时在通风橱中进行,戴口罩、手套、护目镜。 |
相关产品: | -- |
酒清蓝琼脂(Spirit Blue Agar)是一种鉴别培养基,与脂肪酶试剂结合,用于检测和增菌脂解菌。

适冷细菌, 霉菌或酵母菌,可以对牛奶和高脂肪乳制品的风味产生不利的影响。
脂肪酶试剂,是三丁酸甘油酯(tributyrin)和吐温80(polysorbate 80)的混合物。其它脂肪乳化液可以采用以下方法制备:向400ml去离子温水中加入10g阿拉伯胶或1ml吐温80,使其完全溶解。然后加入100ml棉籽油(或奶油、植物油、橄榄油),剧烈搅拌使其乳化。脂肪酶试剂是白色乳浊液。
培养基成分: | 含量:/L |
胰酪蛋白胨 | 10.0 g |
酵母提取物 | 5.0 g |
细菌学琼脂 | 15.0 g |
醇溶蓝 | 0.15 g |
终溶液pH | 6.8± 0.2 |
1. 称取本产品35g,加入1L纯水,混合均匀。
2. 一边加热一边搅拌,煮沸1min,使其完全溶解。121°C 灭菌 15min。
3. 待冷却至50-55°C,加入30ml脂肪酶试剂或其它脂肪来源,混合均匀后倒平板。
将待测微生物接种到平板上,35 ± 2°C,最长培养72h。或者按照标准方法规定的其它条件培养。
1. Select the spirit blue agar plate medium.
2. Start your Bunsen burner.
3. Select the inoculating loop tool.
4. Flame your inoculating loop to sterilize it.
5. Remove the cap from your inoculum and your lid from your sample plate.
6. Flame the mouth of your inoculum tube.
7. Use the sterile inoculating tool to pick up an inoculum from the culture tube of the unknown bacterium.
8. Immediately transfer the inoculum into the fresh, sterile medium. NOTE: you must streak the inoculum back and forth across the plate for several seconds to inoculate the plate. You will know it has been successfully done when streak marks appear on the agar surface. 9. Flame the mouth of your inoculum tube once again.
10. Replace the cap on the inoculum tube and the plate lid.
11. Re-flame the inoculating tool.
12. Place the inoculated plate into the 35-37 C incubator.
13. Incubate for the appropriate length of time. For this test, 24 hours is sufficient for determining the result.
14. Retrieve desired incubated culture from the incubator.
15. Observe the test result, noting specifically the color of the medium surrounding colonies in the plate. The culture will show clear halos around colonies capable of breaking down lipids. The color surrounding colonies without lipase remains unchanged.
16. Record test result.
17. Dispose of the culture.
ATCC标准菌株 生长情况 脂肪水解 Proteus mirabilis ATCC25933 良好 – Staphylococcus aureus ATCC25923 良好 + Staphylococcus aureus ATCC6538 良好 + Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC12228 良好 +